Monday, February 25, 2008

Raih Impian bersama SMART PLUS TEAM


Keunggulan MLM Smartnaco Indonesia :

1. Total bonus mencapai 80% dari BV (business volume).
2. Sistem akumulasi tanpa batas.
3. Pembelian sebagai syarat untuk memperoleh bonus bagi posisi Distributor
minimal 50 PV dan Manager keatas minimal 200 PV pada bulan tersebut.
4. Tanpa Side Volume.
5. Leadership bonus Sistem Roll-Up dan ada jaminan penghasilan.
6. Overriding tanpa batas generasi.

Jenjang Karir :

Keuntungan menjadi Anggota / Distributor PT. Smartnaco Indonesia :

1. Keuntungan langsung / retail profit 10% - 20% = Rp 55.000
2. Performance bonus 5% - 10% D = 5% M = 10%
3. Personal sales bonus 5% : perusahaan mengeluarkan 5% x omset
perusahaan se-Internasional dibagikan kepada Distributor yang
mempunyai PV 1000 dan kelipatannya (1000/1000) = 1 bagian = lebih kurang RM 150.
4. Achievment bonus 9% : perusahaan mengeluarkan 9% x omset
perusahaan se-Internasional dibagikan kepada Distributor yang memenuhi syarat :

· Kategori 2000 PV = 3% = RM 80
· Kategori 4000 PV = 3% = RM 200
· Kategori 6000 PV = 3% = RM 500
5. Leadership bonus 49% diberikan kepada Distributor :
· SM bonus (1 qM) : 4%
· DI bonus (2 qM) : 10%
· PD bonus (3qM) : 10%
· Intensif PD 1 : 15%
· Intensif PD 2 : 10%
6. Special Bonus 3 %
· 1,5% diberikan kepada DI
· 1,5% diberikan kepada PD
7. Smart Presidential Director 4%
· End year bonus 3%
· Travelling fund 1%

1. Performance Bonus = Bonus Prestasi
2. Personal Sales Bonus = Bonus Penjualan Pribadi
3. Achievement Bonus = Bonus Penghargaan
4. Leadership Bonus = Bonus Kepemimpinan
5. Special Bonus = Bonus Spesial
6. End Year Bonus ( SPD Bonus ) = Bonus Akhir Tahun

D = Distributor
M = Manager
qM = Qualivied Manager
SM = Senior Manager
DI = Direktur
PD = Presiden Direktur
SPD = Smart Presiden Direktur

KL : Keuntungan Langsung.
D : Adalah dianggap Mitra Usaha pemula oleh Perusahaan.
M : Adalah Mitra Usaha yang telah mempunyai omset lebih atau sama dengan 3000 PV.
qM : Adalah Mitra Usaha yang telah mempunyai omset lebih atau sama dengan 5000 PV.
SM : Adalah Mitra Usaha yang telah mempunyai 1 qM dalam timnya.
DI : Adalah Mitra Usaha yang telah mempunyai 2 qM dalam timnya.
PD : Adalah Mitra Usaha yang telah mempunyai 3 qM dalam timnya.
SPD : Adalah Mitra Usaha yang telah mempunyai 3 PD dalam timnya.

Hak-hak Mitra Usaha dari Perusahaan sesuai posisi peringkat Mitra Usaha
yang bersangkutan.

I. D : Mempunya hak :

1. Performance Bonus (PB) = 5%
2. Personal Sales Bonus (PSB) = RM 150

Ket : Jika poin dalam bulan itu mencapai 1000 PV maka anda berhak untuk mendapatkan Personal Sales Bonus (PSB) itu berlaku untuk kelipatannya dan berlaku untuk semua kedudukan/pangkat.

II. M : Mempunyai hak :

1. Performance Bonus 10%
2. Personal Sales Bonus
3. Achievement Bonus

Ket : Performance bonus 10% untuk posisi Manager keatas dan syarat untuk
mendapatkan bonus atau tutup poin M keatas adalah 3 box = 200 PV.

III. SM : Mempunyai hak :

1. Performance Bonus 10%
2. Personal Sales Bonus
3. Achievment Bonus
4. Leadhership Bonus 4%

IV. DI : Mempunyai hak :

1. Performance Bonus 10%
2. Personal Sales Bonus
3. Achievmen Bonus
4. Leadhership Bonus 4% + 10%
5. Special Bonus

Ket : Special Bonus

= 1.5% untuk DI
= 1.5% untuk PD

DI yang mempunyai kaki qM dan dibawahnya mempunyai poin tidak
mencukupi 1000 PV.
Contoh :

Ket : 3% adalah omset perusahaan yang dikeluarkan 1.5% untuk peringkat
DI dan 1.5% untuk peringkat PD syaratnya sesuai dengan contoh diatas.

V. PD : Mempunyai hak :

1. Performance Bonus 10%
2. Personal Sales Bonus
3. Leadhership Bonus 4% + 10% + 10% + 15% + 10%
Ket : Special Bonus sama dengan keterangan dan contoh special bonus DI

VI. SPD: Mempunyai hak :

1. Performance Bonus 10%
2. Personal Sales Bonus
3. Leadhership Bonus 4% + 10% + 10% + 15% + 10%

4. End Year Bonus 4%

Ket : End Year Bonus 4% adalah
= 3% Tunai
= 1% Traveling

Bonus ini dikumpulkan dengan SPD bonus bulan selanjutnya dan diserahkan pada bulan kapan anda mencapai peringkat SPD contoh :
Jika pada bulan Maret 2008 anda mencapai peringkat SPD dan akan diserahkan
pada bulan Maret 2008.



Posisi anda adalah D karena masih 1000 PV (13 Box) dan belum mempunyai grup. Yang anda dapatkan adalah :

1. KL : 55.000 x 13 = Rp. 715.000
2. PB : 5% x 1000 PV = RM 50
3 PSB : 150 x 1 bagian = RM 150

Bonus Anda : 150 + 50 = RM 200 x Rp. 2500 = Rp. 500.000 + KL
Penghasilan Anda pada bulan tersebut adalah :

500.000 + 715.000 = Rp. 1.215.000

2. Perhitungan Personal Bonus (Bonus Pribadi)

3. Jika posisi grup anda seperti dibawah ini :

Omzet = 4000 PV
Posisi Anda M. Yang anda dapatkan :
1. PB

= 10% x 1000 PV = RM 100
= 5% x 3000 PV = 150 RM

2. PSB = 150 x 1 bagian = RM 150

3. ACH =

Jadi bonus yang didapatkan adalah :

= PB + PSB + ACH
= 100 + 150 + 150 + 360
= RM 760 x Rp. 2500
= Rp.1.900.000 + KL

4. Jika Posisi grup anda seperti dibawah ini :

Omset 13.000 PV Posisi anda masih M disebabkan masing-masing grup A, B dan C baru memiliki 4000 PV. Yang anda dapatkan :
1. Performance Bonus = RM 100
2. Personal Sales Bonus = RM 150
3. Achievmen Bonus =

Jadi Bonus yang anda dapatkan pada bulan bersangkutan adalah :

100 + 150 = RM 250
ACH = 2 * 2500 = RM 1000
RM 1250 x Rp. 2500 = Rp. 3.125.000 + KL

Yang 6 dan 3 bagian tidak didapat disebabkan karena masing-masing
grup A, B dan C memiliki poin 4000 PV, yang didapatkan adalah poin
6000 sebanyak 2 bagian karena masing-masing grup tidak memiliki
poin 6000 PV.

5. Jika Posisi Grup Anda seperti dibawah ini:

Posisi anda adalah SM karena anda telah mempunyai 1 qM serta berhak
mendapatkan 4% dari omset qM.
1. PB = RM 100
2. PSB = RM 150
3. ACH =

ACH 8000 PV anda dapatkan dari grup B dan C ditambah poin pribadi Sedangkan dari grup A tidak didapat disebabkan posisi A sudah qM.

4. Leadhership Bonus = 4% x 6.000 PV = RM 240
Jadi bonus yang anda dapatkan pada bulan tersebut adalah :

PB + PSB = 100 + 150 = RM 250
ACH = 2 x 500 = RM 780
Leadhership Bonus = RM 400
Total = 250 + 780 + 240
= RM 1270 x Rp. 2500
= Rp. 3.175.000 + KL

6. Jika Posisi Group Seperti di bawah ini :

Posisi anda adalah DIRECTOR (DI) karena anda telah mempunyai 2 qM
yaitu A & C. Contoh perhitungan bonusnya :

1. PB = 1000 * 10% = RM 100
2. PSB = RM 150
3. ACH =

4. Leadhership Bonus dihitung dari 2 QM yaitu A & C
- 4% Level 1 = 5000 * 4% = RM 200
- 10% Level 2 = 10.000 * 10% = RM 1000

Total Bonus yang didapatkan adalah :

= 100 + 150 + 80 + 200 + 1000
= 1530 * Rp 2500
= Rp. 3.825.000

Catatan :
Contoh perhitungan diatas merupakan ilustrasi belum menggambarkan system Roll
Up dan perhitungan bonus melihat pencapaian qM setiap bulannya. Di Smartnaco
peringkat tidak akan turun akan tetapi perhitungan bonus melihat pencapaian qM
setiap bulan seperti misalnya peringgkat DI tetapi yang terjadi qM hanya 1 maka
perhitungan bonus Leadhership berdasarkan perhitungan SM.

Contoh Kasus

Langkah Pengembangan Usaha

Posisi Distributor

200 PV
Bulan Pertama awal gabung
U = 200 BV x 5% x 2500 = Rp. 25,000
200 PV

Posisi Manager

200 PV
Bulan ke-2
U = 200 BV x 10% x 2500 = Rp. 50,000
B+C+D = 2400 BV x 5% x 2500 = Rp. 300,000
2 K -- 1 Bagian = Rp. 200,000
Total Bonus = ± Rp. 550,000

200 PV
Posisi Senior Manager (SM)

Bulan ke-3
U = 200 BV x 10% x 2500 = Rp. 50,000
SM = 3200 BV x 4% x 2500 = Rp. 320.000
4 K -- 1 Bagian = Rp. 500.000
Total Bonus = ± Rp.870.000
200 PV

Posisi Director (DI)

Bulan ke-4
U = 200 BV x 10% x 2500 = Rp. 50.000
SM = 11.200 BV x 4% x 2500 = Rp. 1.120.000
2 K -- 1 Bagian = Rp. 200.000
Total Bonus =± Rp.1.370.000
200 PV

Posisi President Director (PD)

00 PV
Bulan ke-5
U = 200 BV x 10% x 2500 = Rp. 50,000
PD = 19.200 BV x 4% x 2500 = Rp.1.920.000
PD Spesial Bonus =+Rp.1.125.000
Total Bonus =± Rp.3,095,000

200 PV
Posisi President Director (PD)

200 PV
Bulan ke – 6
U = 200 BV x 10% x 2500 = Rp. 50,000
PD = 10.200 BV x 4% x 2500 = Rp. 1.020.000
57.600 BV x 20% x 2500 = Rp.28.800.000
Total Bonus = ± Rp.29,870,000

200 PV
Peringkat Smart President Director (SPD)

Bulan ke-7
U = 200 BV x 10% x 2500 = Rp. 50,000
10.200 BV x 4% x 2500 = Rp. 1.020.000
30.600 BV x 20% x 2500 = Rp.15.300.000
18x8.000 BV x 15% x 2500 = Rp.54.000.000
9x3.200 BV x 15% x 2500 = Rp.10.800.000

Total Bonus = ± Rp. 81,170,000

☺Selamat Anda telah mencapai SPD ( Smart Presidential Director)

1. Apa itu blog?

1. Apa itu blog? (What’s the meaning of blog?)

Mengenal Blog - Bagi yang udah punya blog, tentunya istilah ini tidak asing lagi bagi Anda. Apa sih blog itu? Blog itu sejenis binatang apa tumbuhan sih? Begitu salah seorang rekan saya waktu saya tanya yang dia ketahui tentang blog.
Ok, sekarang mari kita bahas dan samakan dulu persepsi mengenai apa itu blog. Blog yang pada awalnya bernama webblog (baca : blog adalah singkatan dari webblog) secara sederhana dapat diartikan sebagai website pribadi. Bila didefinisikan dari isi (content) yang ada pada blog itu sendiri maka blog dapat diartikan sebagai kumpulan diary, catatan atau artikel dari seseorang dimana artikel terbaru yang di-publish atau dalam istilah lainnya di-posting akan muncul di bagian paling atas.
Jika Anda tidak mau repot atau pusing-pusing untuk mendesain desain website sendiri, maka blog-lah jawabannya. Kenapa? Karena pada blog sudah tersedia template yang bisa Anda gunakan. Mungkin bagi yang masih awam akan nyeletuk: ”Wah mas, mumet aku, template itu apa sih? Nah lho? Anda tidak perlu kecil hati, dulu saya juga begitu (he…he…he).
Baiklah, template adalah desain website yang telah tersedia secara instant pada blog dan bersifat siap pakai, jadi Anda dapat membuat blog tanpa harus menguasai bahasa html, php, MySQL and so on. Sehingga dengan gampang Anda pun bisa memiliki blog sendiri. Tambahan lagi, Anda bisa memiliki blog ini dengan FREE alias GRATIS!

2. Bagaimana cara membuat blog?

Blog yang cukup popular adalah Bagi Anda yg sudah agak melek teknologi bisa juga membuat account di dan juga di dan masih banyak yang lain. Ikuti pentunjuk step-by-step ketika mendaftar (prinsipnya hampir sama dengan pembuatan free account email.

3. Setelah Anda selesai register/sign-up di, dengan mengisi data dan nama blog Anda (ingat, seperti halnya email, nama tidak boleh sama), Anda sudah dapat mulai memposting/mem-publish apapun yg Anda inginkan di blog Anda: mulai dari artikel bisnis, masalah teknologi, politik, curhat, puisi, cerpen, dari tulisan serius sampai guyonan, bisa fiksi maupun non fiksi.

1. Jika Anda sudah memiliki account email di, maka Anda dapat langsung log-in atau sign-in di --> new blogger --> silakan masukkan id/usernama plus password gmail Anda. Dan ikuti proses selanjutnya.

2. Namun Jika Anda belum memiliki account email di, silahkan Anda buat (register/ sign-up) dulu account Anda di --> sign-up. Setelah account email gmail Anda miliki, langkah selanjutnya, kunjungi --> new blogger --> kemudian masukkan id / usernama gmail Anda berikut password dan ikuti proses pembuatan blog selanjutnya.

Next time Posting : Mempromosikan Blog



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The Secret to Becoming Rich

The Secret to Becoming Rich

by: Elise Fisher

Napoleon Hill, the author of Think and Grow Rich, believes that a person does not have to be a genius to become rich. Any person can become wealthy if he thinks positively and has a deep desire to achieve his goal. Positive Thinking: You must see your financial dreams and know that you will be able to attain them. You must already own them. If you begin making up every rationalization under the sun why you can't succeed, pinch yourself. You have to discipline your body and mind to think positive thoughts. Teach yourself that those kind of thought patterns are unacceptable. You can obtain greatness, even if you are not the smartest, most talented, or best looking person in the world. Success is your if you'll just allow it to come into your life. Don't underestimate the power of your thoughts. Burning Desire: Hill tells a true tale of a man named Edwin Barnes who desired to become Thomas Edison's partner. Most of us would have scoffed at him had we lived back then. Edwin Barnes was a nobody. Nevertheless, he had a deep desire, a life dream, and he was determined. He went to Thomas Edison and convinced him to hire him. He did not instantly achieve his dream, but he worked hard and ultimately became Thomas Edison's partner. This was a feat everyone thought was impossible. Edwin Barnes followed these 7 steps to gain this great success: 1. Choose a definite dream. 2. Put all your energy into that dream. 3. Be willing to do menial work at first. 4. Visualize your dream. 5. Form a strategy. 6. Endure through the hard times. 7. Eliminate any way to retreat. As you focus on obtaining your goals, answer these questions: What is the exact amount of money I want? What am I willing to sacrifice for it? What exact date do I want this money by? What is my strategy? Don't forget, to successful people, there is no such thing as "defeat." What looks like defeat is no more than a great opportunity. Start creating opportunities out of failures and being successful today! NOTE: Use of this article requires links to be intact.

7 Keys to Identifying an Ideal Partnership

by: Melanie Benson Strick

Ideal Partnership - In the world of small business, it seems there is often a common quest: to find the ideal business partner. Usually this stems from a need to “get rid of” the roles or tasks that we struggle with. Like marketing, finance or sales. I know when I first started my business I was desperate to find a partner who was better at marketing and sales than I was. I was convinced that if I could get that off my back and just focus on being a great coach that my business would thrive! Well four years later, I never did find that partner but I did find a way to experience a thriving business. I realized the value of marketing partners. Marketing partners are other entrepreneurs who are willing to cross-market your products and services to their prospects and clients. But there is still a catch. And it’s the same kind of catch that comes with any type of partnership – from marriage to business. Not everyone is “ideal partner material.” It’s kind of like kissing a lot of frogs before you find your prince (or princess.) Sometimes you have to get clear on who you want to play in the sand box with so you don’t have to kiss too many frogs. So I thought I’d share with you my 7 Keys to Identifying an Ideal Partnership. Partnership Mindset. Does this person really have what it takes to be a partner? Not everyone is cut out for it. As a matter of fact, some people make lousy partners because they are just too independent or they don’t like playing with others in their sandbox. It’s important to understand why someone is pursuing a partnership. Do they just want quick sales or are they really excited to align with your business long-term? Alignment of Values. Knowing your top 3 values can help you clarify if you have what it takes for the long-haul. If one person’s core value is independence and the others’ is collaboration, it may make for a rocky approach to achieving the goal. This is particularly important if you are joint-venturing on a project deliverable. Shared Vision. Do you share a passion for what the outcome looks like? Do you both see a similar outcome? Or does one person want to go off on their own opportunities and the other wish to have a long-term alliance. Have you ever known a married couple where one wants kids and the other doesn’t? Eventually they part ways. Sharing a vision of the desired outcome is important to keeping harmony in the relationship. Compatible Work Styles. This is a biggie. Do you both envision working long, hard hours to accomplish the goals? Does someone have kids that require their attention first? Are you both willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done? Complimentary Strengths. If you both love to do the same thing and no one wants to do the other stuff, then you will have work out how that gets done. Will you outsource it? Or will someone learn it? Make sure you are both qualified to do what your role is – or else it can lead to tension and frustration. Just as you would take time to explore if your love interest would make good marriage material, I encourage you to take some time to explore if your fellow entrepreneur would make good “partner” material. There is nothing worse than finding out in the middle of your project that you don’t like doing business with the person. Once you have explored the keys above and are ready to move forward, be sure to establish your working agreement (I even suggest having a contract.) If you follow the steps in the Unstoppable Goals Method together, you will find that you have a strong foundation to create “unstoppable” success together. Happy partnering!

8 Mistakes Human Resource Directors Make When Looking To Hire The Right Entertainment


A CEO approved, HR tested, corporate party entertainer not only amuses your audience, but also eases the pressure on you before and during the party। It is a fact hiring the right corporate tested and approved party entertainer can be a little disheartening, Use this top “eight” list as your personal, stress-free guide to help you locate and know when you have the perfect corporate
Lets begin:
1Guarantee: Does the entertainer offer a १.00% Guarantee? If No, hang up your phone and call one who does (for a listing of nationwide entertainers offering a १।00% Guarantee send an email with this request to: You have enough to think about, without wondering and hoping if the entertainers you hire are the “right” ones! A full-time specialized corporate entertainer should be offering you a 100% tear-up your check Guarantee. A good example is: "Our Iron Clad, 100%, No Weasel Clause Guarantee is: If we do not provide the services we agree to, you can take your check and tear it up. Pay us nothing - GUARANTEED! Yes, we are so confident your guest’s will have one of the most memorable, exciting, fun-filled and amazing event/parties ever when you have us entertain at your company’s party. This is the reason we can and do offer this, our no strings attached guarantee. We will make you look like a real-hero. 2. Show time: Corporate entertainer’s performances are generally available in several durations - usually from thirty-minutes to two hours (or more upon request). Attention: The amount of time the entertainer performs DOES NOT GUARANTEE you will be “getting your money’s worth”. One entertainer may offer an hour show and really be a flop, where another corporate proven entertainer who is seasoned, audience-friendly, fun, witty, amazing, memorable awesome-show deliverer may be there for thirty-five minutes and your guests go wild with excitement, jaws drop in awe, cheer with laughter, and after the event you successfully pulled together, all your guests approach you, shake your hand and tell you how great the event was, ESPECIALLY the entertainment. 3. Testimonies: Read the testimonies on their web site and promotional materials. A full-time pro will be able to provide you with plenty of testimonies from company’s like yours upon request. 4. Games and Give-Away: While most entertainers generally have a set program, most will do their best to include any special requests you may have. If additional supplies or prizes are required, such as a fun interactive / team-building game and quality prizes, there will be additional fees. A pro will provide appropriate prizes and games (not all corporate entertainers offer give-away & games, but this is a plus - less for you to do) 5. Feeling secure: Professional corporate performers will provide you with an invoice via mail, email, or fax. It is always a good sign you are talking with a professional corporate entertainer when they provide you with written confirmation of your booking, so there is no confusion in regards to the date, time, address, or requirements for your event/party. Note: Each entertainer has differing pricing schedules and may include a travel charge to your location in addition to their standard prices. Ensure these charges, if any, are included in your written confirmation along with the details of any deposits required so there are no embarrassing surprises at your party. 6. Are they a pro? Disappointingly, there are lots of self-proclaiming “corporate entertainers” who call themselves professionals, but do little more than put on bad shows, waste your money and embarrass you, the host. Anyone who buys a few cheap tricks from a web site can call themselves a corporate entertainer (‘magician’). So how do you recognize an awesome entertainer? Here are a few valuable tips (questions to ask before you make the final agreement): A. At least 5-10 years of professional experience. B. Do they have an up-to-date web site. It is true, having a web site does not guarantee the entertainer is good, but this is one sign of someone who is serious about their business (especially if they have a vanity site name). C. A professional will customize each show accordingly (keeping in mind their audience and age group). This makes them a great catch and will make you look like a real hero with your guest’s and most of all, your boss. …Again, a full time professional entertainer’s web site should tell you what you need to know. D. Is there material “appropriate” or are you in constant “fear” they may use blue material during the performance. A true pro will never use off color jokes and will not be degrading to your audience. 7. Agency: Is the corporate entertainer you are thinking about hiring associated with talent agencies. If the entertainer is hired through an agency or has an agent this is usually a great sign these individuals are true pros. Also keep in mind many professional entertainers with 5-10 years experience do their own bookings as well. 8. Fees: Many HR directors call entertainers asking for price quotes, looking for the least expensive corporate entertainment rate in the area. Note: You receive what you pay for. When you hire an entertainer (CEO qualified, audience-friendly, comedy magicians/illusionists), price is definitely an indicator of a few things. The lower the price, the more likely the magician is not a full time pro and not as experienced, and the quality of the entertainment will show (your guest’s will know). You receive what you pay for! A full time professional is very easy to work with. They DO NOT think they have “arrived”, though they may have a celebrity status, they carry themselves well and do not belittle others. They will not make major demands which can become taxing and ridiculous. Note: Full time professional entertainers are extremely reliable and can work with you and your team to enhance your event. At times if the situation calls for it, pros can reverse gears and are ready to perform at a moments notice, for instance, someone did not show up, it starts to rain, food is delayed, etc. >>>a truly professional corporate entertainer is willing and always ready to adapt to your needs! Comedy Magicians/Illusionists always have something up their sleeve at a moments notice should the need arise !! Now That’s MAGIC!!

12 Ways Leaders Tell Their People They Are Important

by: Andrew Cox

Leaders know the old saying "How you act shouts so loudly I can't hear what you're saying" is the truth. They use it to their advantage. Leaders know the greatest sense of accomplishment and importance often comes from non – monetary rewards, and from positive recognition from the person who is the boss. And they know they can do it without "breaking the rules" or incurring big expenses. Many managers feel constrained by the rules and regulations of their organizations. They feel that their hands are tied when it comes to rewarding their people – that their actions are controlled by others, and there is little of any real value they can do to motivate their people. Here are 12 Ways leaders let their people know how important they are: Way #1 – Leaders truly believe the work performed by their people is important. This may sound pretty basic, but that is an absolutely essential belief. Without it there is simply no way people can be convinced that what they do is important.. How often have your heard – or been guilty of saying – or thinking – "Oh, she's just the receptionist" or, "He's just the janitor" or "They're just trainees" or "They're just a staff weenie?" Way #2 – Leaders expect the best from everyone, and settle for nothing less. Nothing makes people feel more important than high expectations for their performance. Leaders make sure their people share in setting the expectations. Way #3 – Leaders create goals that are shared and that show the tie in of individual work with the success of the organization. Way #4 – Leaders select the best – in every opening they have. Every tool is used to ensure that the best possible decision is made on who is selected. People watch very carefully to see who is picked – they need to be involved in the selection process whenever possible. Leaders know that actions taken in selection communicate how important the open position is. Who is selected is seen as a direct reflection on the quality of the people in the organization. Way #5 – Leaders are their people's institutional champion! What's that mean? When their pay is wrong, leaders get it right. When their reviews are scheduled, leaders ensure they are done accurately and on time. When their raises are due, leaders make sure they are handled properly and on time. Leaders jealously guard their relationship as the go to person for their people. Institutional support people can help, but leaders know they are the key contact for their people. Way #6– Leaders are absolutely intolerant of unsafe, disruptive or other negative behaviors. They act on them quickly and decisively, and never let their people see them knowingly ignore a bad situation. Leaders know these situations will not go away, regardless how much "wish'in and hop'in and pray'in" might be done. Way #7 – Leaders know that trust and respect are not the same thing as being liked. It is nice to be liked, it is absolutely essential that people trust and respect their leader. As a comedian said: "If you want to be liked, get a dog." Way #8 – Leaders cultivate a climate of civility for their people. In their relationships with their people, they make sure their actions reflect a fundamental respect for others. Way #9 –Leaders get every one of their people some form of self development activity on a regular basis. It may be a seminar, it may be tuition refund, it may be a book, it may be a CD set, it may be reimbursement for a Webinar or a podcast, it may be a Community College course – it does not have to be expensive and time consuming, but the act of creating added value through the investment of personal effort supported by organizational resources is a powerful way to express importance. Way #10 – Leaders respect their people's time – it's their most valuable asset. Leaders start meetings on time, end them on time, keep meeting commitments. They do what they have to do to ensure their people have the use of as much of their work time as possible. Way #11– Leaders keep the rules and policies to an absolute minimum. If there is workable set of cultural and organizational "Way's Of Doing Things" then the basis for treating people with individual regard exists. If they don't exist, leaders set them in their own area of responsibility. Way #12– Leaders celebrate the successes – they create the opportunity for group recognition to happen all over the place – if Safety is an issue, they create a Safety Award process that celebrates progress. They make the celebration events frequent, the rewards modest – but they do it all the time. Leaders know the frequency of awards and the opportunity for celebration are as important, actually more important, than the annual lunch or dinner or whatever. Did you notice one thing about all 12 Ways? Not one of them deals with lots of money, or more capital, or new policies or procedures. All do require beliefs and behaviors – and they are the most challenging, most high leverage efforts that can be made to improve an organization. It's always tempting to do a feel good seminar, or buy something, or take some action that shows a high level of commitment to the people.. But the truth is that the way to greater success is through a focused, day to day effort to improve the level of commitment of the people in an organization, and that takes hard work, leadership and the acceptance of change. If you can see Ways that can help you organization or your work group or yourself in this article, take them and run with them – they are the basis for successful managers becoming successful leaders.

Are You Rich Enough To Give Your Lender a $100,000 Tip?

by: Heather L Giles

Borrowing money costs consumers more these days than ever before. Not many people can afford to fork over 100,000 in cash for a home. A very small percentage of the population can do this. The rest of us rely on our sweat and brains to get us through and make it happen. The little guy will always struggle since the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. With the current legal pirating going on these days in the mortgage industry, personal budgets tighten as consumers walk the tightrope of income versus expenses to make ends meet. The rising prices of gas and food items only add to the crunch most families feel in today's world. Purchasing a home for your family does not necessarily strain your budget if you apply this simple but important principle to a seemingly complicated issue. The basic idea here involves paying your lender extra payments called advanced principal payments. This concept will shave years and thousands of dollars off your mortgage costs. While a spreadsheet program helps to determine principal and interest payments, your amortization sheet will do for a ballpark savings. The key to this relies on sending in your next months principal along with this month’s payment. So, if your monthly payment costs 700 a month, for this payment, 75 dollars for principal, and 625 for interest, follow your amortization chart until you find the month you owe now, and see the principal cost for your next month’s payment. Add this amount as extra principal to the payment you send. The difference can range to a few cents to a couple of dollars for your next months principal. So for this payment, you send in the 700, plus 76 as advanced principal payment. You just saved yourself 624 in interest, and knocked off a month from your mortgage. Let’s recap with a real life example. You purchase a house for 100,000 with an interest rate of 6.5 percent. You finance it for 30 years. The first 2 years of your loan results in payments of 12,859.20 in interest, and 2310.19 in principal payments. If you apply the technique of advanced principal payments, at the end of your first year you will pay 6,432.72 for interest, 2310.19 in Principal, and reduced your loan time by one year. The extra payments for one year cost you an extra 600 or so, but save you 6426.48 in interest. All together you actually save 5826.48 in interest. Not sending in extra principal payments will cost you a total of 127,000 in interest over the life of the loan. Your 100,000 house ends up costing you 227,000. By applying this simple idea to the lifetime of your loan, you will potentially shave tens of thousands of dollars off of your mortgage costs, and also get your deed years earlier without being tied to the much higher 15-year mortgage loan.

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